Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Health Objectives In Terms Of All Aspects

Health Goals
Health objectives in terms of all aspects
One national goal is to promote the welfare of the nation, which means meeting basic human needs are food, clothing, shelter, education, health, employment, and welfare.
health development goals is to achieve the ability to live a healthy life for every resident, so the responsibility for the realization of the optimal degree of health in the hands of the entire Indonesian society, government and private together.
Objectives and scope of environmental health

Purpose and scope of environmental health can be divided into two objectives in general and in particular.
objectives and general scope, include:
  • Make corrections or revisions to any danger, and the threat to the health and welfare of human life.
  • Undertake prevention efforts by regulating the sources of the environment in an effort to improve the health and welfare of human life.
  • Cooperation, and implement an integrated program between the public and government institutions and non-government agencies in the face of natural disasters or outbreaks of infectious diseases.
As for the purpose and scope of health specifically includes business improvement effort or control of the human environment, including:
  • Providing enough clean water, and meet the health requirements
  • Food and drinks produced on a large scale, and consumed by the community makeover.
  • Air pollution due to the combustion of fossil fuels,forest fires, and the toxic gases that are harmful to health, and other living beings, and the cause of the ecosystem changes.
  • Liquid waste, and solid from households, agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, hospitals and others.
  • Arthropod and rodent control of the vector of the disease and how to break the chain of transmission of the disease.
  • Housing and building livable, and meet health requirements.
  • Noise, radiation, and occupational health.
  • Sanitary surveys for planning, monitoring, and evaluation of environmental health programs.

Health Development Goals
For the long-term health development geared toward our shared objective as follows:

  • Increase the ability of communities to help themselves in the field of health.
  • Improving the quality of the environment which can guarantee health.
  • Improvement of people's nutritional status
  • A reduction in morbidity and mortality
  • the development of healthy and prosperous families,The acceptance of small family norm happy, and prosperous.

Basic Health Development
Basic fundamentals of national development in the health field are as follows:

  • All citizens the right to obtain optimal health status in order to work, and worthy of human dignity.
  • Government, and community responsibility in maintaining and enhancing the health status of the people.
  • Implementation of health measures regulated by the government, and conducted in a harmonious and balanced by government, and community.
Similarly, descriptions of health objectives in all aspects and I hope this article can add insight helpful readers and accepted the grateful if deign to read, visit my article.

Reference Source 
Siti Nafsia, prof.hembing winner of the star of Asia Award, echoes human
Foundations Institute Legal Assistance Indonesia
Center Study of Law and Policy Indonesia
George Pickett & J.Hanlon, Public Health Administration and Practice


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